Communities Winnipeg
Dec 8, 2020
Qualico’s RidgeWood West Community Moves into Final Phase
Winnipeg, MB – The last phase of Qualico Communities Winnipeg’s RidgeWood West neighbourhood is now underway and will continue to build off of the success of the previous phases completed so far.
Communities Multi-Family Homes Single-Family Homes Winnipeg
Dec 4, 2020
Qualico Starts Distributing City of Winnipeg Impact Fee Refunds to Customers
Winnipeg, MB – In January of 2018, leaders of the homebuilding and development industry asked the court to rule on the legitimacy of the City of Winnipeg’s Impact Fee. In July 2020, the court ruled the fee to be invalid and for fees collected to be returned to those that paid them. On November 30, the City of Winnipeg announced their intent to issue refund payments. After a process that required an extensive amount of time, energy and resources, Qualico is pleased to see this next step.
Calgary Communities
Oct 23, 2020
Qualico Breaks Ground on New Calgary Community, Ambleton
Calgary, AB – Qualico Communities Calgary ceremonially broke ground in Ambleton, a community 15 years in the making, on September 29, 2020 in Northwest Calgary. The new community of Ambleton, located just north of Evanston, is comprised of 64.7 hectares (160 acres) and will be developed through eight phases, totaling over 1,200 homes when complete.
Communities Edmonton
Oct 6, 2020
Performing Arts Centre Unveils New designQ Lounge by Qualico Communities Edmonton
Edmonton, AB - Festival Place, Sherwood Park’s beloved arts and culture venue, reopened its doors to the public on September 17, after having shut down in mid-March due to COVID-19 regulations. With a partnership going back 20 years, Qualico Communities Edmonton stepped up to design a new lounge for the facility.
Communities Metro Vancouver
Mar 17, 2020
Westbrooke Stormwater Detention Centre Offers Innovative Solution
Langley, BC — Located in Langley’s Willoughby Heights neighbourhood, Westbrooke is a Qualico Community that features one of the largest underground stormwater detention facilities in North America. The sustainable and innovative facility is the first-of-its-kind in the Township of Langley, servicing a 127-acre catchment area. The facility was a requirement for development approval for Westbrooke I, as the Township of Langley establishes development prerequisites in its neighbourhood plans that must be secured before any development application will go through. One of those prerequisites was to secure the land and construct the stormwater management facility that would service the whole catchment area.
Communities Edmonton
Dec 10, 2019
Qualico Communities Edmonton Puts Environmental Conservancy at the Forefront
Edmonton, AB – Wetlands are some of the most incredible habitats on the planet. They provide a wide range of ecological benefits, including water filtration, storm protection, and flood control, all while acting as a nursery for mammals, birds, and fish. The Uplands at Riverview is a West Edmonton community that promotes stewardship of wetland habitats through its ground-breaking environmental initiatives, some of which are a first for the forward-thinking city.
Calgary Communities Edmonton Multi-Family Homes Single-Family Homes
Nov 25, 2019
BILD Alberta Award Winners Announced in Jasper
Edmonton, AB - This past September, leaders from Alberta’s home building industry gathered at the Jasper Park Lodge for the annual BILD Horizons Conference, hosted by BILD Alberta. There were a number of events on the agenda, including the much anticipated BILD Alberta Awards, at which Qualico was proudly represented.
Communities Winnipeg
Nov 21, 2019
Final Street in River Park South Community Named After Eric Vogan, Vice-President of Communities
Winnipeg, MB — River Park South has a strong legacy as Qualico’s largest development to date, with over 8,000 homes and businesses. The community began in the early 1970s, and it is now in its final phase of development, with one of the very last streets officially being dedicated to Eric Vogan, Vice-President of Communities in Winnipeg.
Communities Edmonton Multi-Family Homes Single-Family Homes
Mar 27, 2019
2019 Edmonton Region Canadian Homebuilders Association Awards Of Excellence In Housing Recognizes Qualico Business Units
Edmonton, AB – Every year, the Canadian Homebuilders Association Edmonton Region honours the best of the best at the Awards of Excellence in Housing, celebrating the craftsmanship, design, marketing and sales of homes in and around Edmonton. Qualico was well represented at the gala, held at the Edmonton Convention Centre on March 16, 2019, with a grand total of 35 finalists across multiple business units for award categories ranging from marketing, sales, design, communities and homes.
Communities Metro Vancouver Properties
Dec 10, 2018
Qualico BC Region Officially Breaks Ground On New Office
Surrey, BC – Excitement is growing among the Qualico BC team as plans for the new Surrey office continue to move forward. Construction is slated to begin this December.
Calgary Communities
Apr 19, 2017
Harmony Is The New Community Of The Year
Calgary, AB – What an exciting weekend at the 2016 edition of the BILD Calgary Region SAM awards for the developers of the community of Harmony in Rocky View County. The development team, consisting of Qualico Communities and Bordeaux Developments, collected five SAM awards from eight finalist nominations.
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Published: May 2019
2018 - A Year in ReviewPublished: May 2019
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