We need to take every opportunity to improve the way our cities grow and interact so that the legacy we leave behind is one that future generations will be proud to continue.
Kevin Van
President & CEO
We Believe In the Power of Partnership
Our aim is to support organizations within our communities that are subject matter experts.
We balance our CR efforts across our impact areas and embed them in business actions
organized into philanthropy, developing current and future talent and operational innovation.

Qualico Impact Areas

Building Sustainably
We understand that sustainable cities are the result of a highly collaborative effort across government, public and private business, and social causes. We work to ensure that our planning and development of communities, our building methods, and our consumption and production of building materials consider how we build sustainably. We support organizations that are working towards improving how our cities are designed, built and lived in.
Gender Equality
We understand that while there has been progress, women of all ages in Canada and the US face systemic and historical obstacles related to gender equality across many areas in their personal and professional lives. We support organizations that encourage leadership skills, entrepreneurialism, athletics and career advancement of women, particularly in sectors of our industry and related ones.

Ending the Cycle of Poverty
We understand that throughout the cycle of poverty there are varying needs and a comprehensive support network. We support organizations that are working to help people at each point of the poverty cycle to set them up to be safe and independently provide themselves with shelter, where possible. We provide our support to ensure that as many members of our cities as possible go to bed without hunger and with safe shelter.
Lifelong Education
We understand that equal access to education, in all its forms, should be encouraged and accessible throughout a person’s life. We work to ensure that education is seen as both personal and professional development. We believe that how one feels is as important as what one knows. We support organizations that provide education in progressive and universally accessible formats.

Healthy Lives
We understand that good health includes physical and emotional health. We want as many people in our communities as possible to be able to lead healthy lives. We support organizations that educate and/or deliver programming on what it means to have good health and well-being. We support organizations that have progressive ideas on how to deliver services and respond to socio-economic trends.
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