Apr 22, 2022

Qualico Donation Supports Expansion of Child Advocacy Centre for Victims of Child Abuse

Winnipeg, MB – Qualico is proud to announce its support of Toba Centre for Children and Youth through a major gift donation towards their WE WILL capital campaign that consists of both funds and gift-in-kind materials, with the total donation having a value of $500,000.

The Toba Centre is a child advocacy centre that provides a space for children and youth who have experienced abuse or witnessed violence. The new centre will coordinate with other service providers (police, child and family services, victim services) to ensure the needs of children and their families are met when investigatory interviews are conducted with children.

David Eggerman, Regional Vice-President, Manitoba & Saskatchewan, is a volunteer board member, a director and building committee chair, as well a member of the capital campaign committee with the Toba Centre.

The Toba Centre will be Manitoba’s child advocacy centre and voice for abused children and their families,” he said. “The new facility will provide the support the children and their families need to start the healing process. As a parent, it is difficult to truly feel and understand what children and families go through without the full wrap around support from a child abuse support centre. As a community were are confident that Toba Centre will make a difference, as vulnerable kids are at risk to be vulnerable adults and face other challenges later in life.”

Due to limited space, Toba Centre currently interviews fewer than 10% of child abuse victims in Manitoba. Money raised through the WE WILL campaign will aims to raise $15 million to assist with renovations on Toba Centre’s new location at 710 Assiniboine Park Dr. in Winnipeg and create a fund for future financial support.    fund the renovations required to develop the space for the very specific needs of a high-functioning, multi-disciplinary child advocacy centre in a calm and serene setting.

The growth of the centre means that law enforcement, child protection, mental health, medical, and victim advocacy agencies involved will be under one roof to help provide better support for children and their families.

Qualico is one of many organizations and individuals who are working together to help Toba Centre realize their goal. Christy Dzikowicz, Executive Director, Toba Centre, explained the importance donations like Qualico’s have in assisting the centre to carry out its crucial and life-changing work.

“We are beyond grateful for the financial support we have seen from Qualico to date,” she said. “Involvement of the private sector in our organization is critical. Having the expertise of David Eggerman from a board member capacity and Qualico’s support for our capital campaign has been game-changing. This is how communities come together to get important things done for our most vulnerable.”

To learn more about Toba Centre’s capital campaign and how to donate, click here.

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